Chan Lab Alumni
Galen Guo
Exploring microbially-mediated pathway(s) involved in methylmercury degradation in the human gut environment
Sonja Gray Campbell
Elucidation of the protective effects of selenium against methylmercury neurotoxicity in a primary cell culture
Amanda Juric
Assessing dietary exposures to environmental contaminants in traditional foods consumed by Ontario First Nations
Tiff-Annie Kenny
Development of a quantitative modelling strategy for linking natural resource management and policy to health & nutritional outcomes in the North
Enoch Lam
Investigating obesogenic properties of short-chain chlorinated paraffins and pentachlorophenol
Lihua Liu
Endocrine toxicity of short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) by using the zebra fish embryos
Lesya Marsha
Exposure to persistent organic pollutants through traditional foods and type 2 diabetes among First Nations
Ria Saha
Role of diet in shaping up the human gut microbial community structure and how it affects mercury metabolism.
Tania Sharin
Oxidative stress and impairments in mitochondrial bioenergetics following methyl mercury exposure
Yueting Shao
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Methylmercury exposure and neurotoxicity in different species
Kavita Singh
Biomonitoring and epidemiological analysis of persistent organic pollutants in Northern Canada
Jocelyn Truong
Interspecies comparison and the effect of methylmercury on cardiomyocyte cells
Paulin Junior Vanié
Biotransformation of methylmercury by human intestinal bacteria using the Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME)
Rami Yassine
The speciation of mercury as well as its effects on the Gastrointestinal tract.
Kristin Eccles
Geospatial modelling of ecological health indicators
Claudia Tanamal
The Impacts of Legacy Giant Mine Activities to Freshwater Food Chains and to Humans.
Philippe J. Thomas
Impacts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (and their alkylated homologues) on food web trophic structure of an apex predator, the river otter, inhabiting watersheds impacted by Canada's oil sands.
Pu Xia (Sharp)
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Cross-species comparison of transcriptomics in human, avian and fish neural cell lines exposed to MeHg
Sarah Khan
Undergraduate Thesis
Research project concerning hatcheries and food security in Nunavik.
Terresa Kim
Undergraduate Thesis
Marine Fish Consumption in the South China Sea: Public Health Perspectives.
Rhiannon Ng
Environmental health and the effects of environmental contaminants on food security in rural communities. Piloting community-based data collection methodologies for remote collaborative environmental research.
Nicole Washuck
Studying the role small extracellular vesicles play in arsenic induced carcinogenesis and identifying candidate biomarkers of arsenic exposure. This project follows alongside the labs current work assessing the health impacts of arsenic exposure with Yellowknife Health Effects Monitoring Program (YKHEMP).