Elizabeth Wallace
M.Sc Student
Institute of the Environment, Environmental Sustainability
Originally from Nova Scotia, I completed my BSc in Kinesiology at St.FX University. I then did an MSc in Global Health at McMaster University, researching the relationship between mental health and climate change. I am interested in science for policy and integrating community-based methods in science and decision making. In my free time, I enjoy running, hiking, and cross-country skiing
Research Project:
Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a persistent organic pollutant of emerging concern in arctic ecosystems. I will be using ecological modelling to trace PFAS through a Beaufort Sea marine ecosystem, looking at how climate change may impact the bioaccumulation of PFAS through the food web. These findings will be used to assess potential increases in risk for human health, as marine organisms are important food sources for Inuit.
Wallace, E. (2019). Climate Change Implications for Mental Health in Inuit Communities: An Intersectional Perspective. In Poto, M., & Parola, G. (Eds.). Inclusion, coexistence, and resilience: Key lessons learned from Indigenous law and methodology. (pp. 317-350). Grupo Multifoco. ISBN 978-85-8273-818-4.
Coulson, S., Fedoriuk, T., Jannati, M., Wallace, E. (2019). Highway 6: A Barrier to Wildlife Movement? McMaster Research Shop. https://macsphere.mcmaster.ca/bitstream/11375/24565/1/McMaster%20Research%20Shop%20Report%20%20The%20Cootes%20to%20Escarpment%20Ecopark%20System.pdf
Wallace, H.E., Davidson, L.R., Bell, M.C.W., Brebner, K., Kane, D.A. (2018). Effects of H1/H2 histamine receptor blockade on mitochondrial function in rodent brain following prolonged exercise. [Abstract]. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 32(S1), 587. https://faseb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1096/fasebj.2018.32.1_supplement.587.11